Article 14114

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Vorob'ev Vladimir Pavlovich, Doctor of sociological sciences, professor, sub-department of public administration and regional sociology, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia),

Index UDK

316.75; 316.346.32-053.6


Background. During social transformations, as a rule, there appears weakening of ideological and ethnocultural bases of the state identity that has an especially negative impact on the mechanisms of socialization of the youth. Here, of special importance in formation of the social identity of the youth is becoming the feeling of community of historical destiny. In these conditions, historical education as a specific social phenomenon requires special attention not just by teachers and professional historians, but also by sociologists.
Materials and methods. On the basis of the theory of values, the theory of ideology and the conception of rationalization of social behavior the author carried out a complex analysis of the position of historical education in the process of reproduction of historical identity of the youth.
Results. The study revealed the key theoretical problems impeding adequate solution of the problem of ways of social-regulating influence on the processes of formation of the “generally accepted version of national history”; showed the main differences between mythological, ideological and value aspects of historical education; outlined transformation of the historical mythology into the rational historical ideology.
Conclusions. Analyzing the socializing role of historical knowledge it is necessary to proceed from the fact that the evolution of historical consciousness of the modern Russian society is associated not just with value reorientation of this consciousness, but also with rationalization thereof, with crisis of its mythological form. Traditional translation of a historical myth in the process of socialization in conditions of the jural sociate becomes impossible; it is substituted by partially autonomisated processes of value translation and ideological indoctrination. Among the unsolved problems, impeding formation of the “generally accepted version of national
history”, the author points out the lack of distinct methodology that would allow to conciliate the principles of the jural society and the problem of deliberate influence of the state on the process of socialization.

Key words

state identity, socialization of the youth, historical memoty, historical education, generally accepted version of national history, historical mythology, historical ideology.

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Дата создания: 26.09.2014 08:38
Дата обновления: 26.09.2014 12:08